Sep 29, 2009
This month, we continue to profile the new features in Freedom Scientific's JAWS® 11 screen reading software. Eric Damery, Vice President of Software Product Management, updates us on the beta process as we move towards release.
Jonathan Mosen demonstrates some changes to Research It in JAWS 11 that have been implemented as a result of your feedback.
Glen Gordon, Freedom Scientific's Chief Technology officer, discusses the secure and compatible braille display driver initiative introduced in JAWS 11 to improve the experience of braille display users with JAWS. He is followed by Dirk Kochanek of Papenmeier, a German manufacturer of braille displays, who discusses the signed driver initiative from the perspective of a braille display manufacturer.
We round off FSCast this month with a voice familiar to many. Jim Ellsworth from our technical support department discusses his background and his work, so you can learn more about the man behind the voice.
Show Host: Jonathan Mosen
Play Blindness and Low Vision Product Podcast (MP3 audio) - (September - 2009)