Nov 6, 2007
In this edition of FSCast, Jonathan Mosen speaks with Dusty Voorhees about two exciting software updates. OpenBook™ 8.0 scanning and reading software is so much more than an optical character recognition package. Find out about the many enhancements that make OpenBook a powerful way to convert printed documents or graphic-based text into an electronic text format using accurate optical character recognition and quality speech.
MAGic® 11.0 screen magnification software for low vision users is currently in public beta. Dusty tells us what's new.
One of the many benefits of the PAC Mate™ accessible Pocket PC is that its uses can be expanded with third-party, mainstream software right out of the box. Many users write scripts to make other off-the-shelf applications accessible. Louis Bryant of BrailleSoft has gone a step further by developing games and original utilities for PAC Mate.
Play Blindness and Low Vision Product Podcast (MP3 audio) - (October - 2007)